
Teething Tips


Your baby’s teeth actually develop while she is still in the womb, but they only start to grow throughout the gums between the baby’s sixth and ninth month of life. Usually the lower front teeth come through first, followed by the top middle teeth. Your baby should have her full set of teeth by two and a half years old.

Easing the Pain

It can be hard to see your baby in distress, and teething can be quite uncomfortable. Don’t fret though, there are plenty of things you can do to make the process easier.

  • Massaging gums - rub your little one’s gums with a clean finger or the back of a cold spoon. This will offer temporary relief for baby.
  • Teething gels such as Teetha Teething Gel are great for babies over two months, and can be effective when your baby is very upset.
  • Try chilling some fruit in a special baby fruit feeder so they can enjoy the coolness and taste of fresh fruit, with no risk of choking.
  • Clean your baby’s teeth with a piece of soft gauze rather than a toothbrush when new teeth are erupting, this helps avoid irritating their little gums.
  • In extreme cases, pain relief medicine can be used. Discuss with your pharmacist as they might have some other alternatives.
  • A big cuddle. Never underestimate the power of a hug and a kiss to make your baby feel better.
  • Freeze a face cloth in cool water and freeze for 30 minutes, it will provide relief and distraction.
  • There are lots of brilliant teething products available that are designed to provide ergonomic relief for your baby’s teeth. Our top recommendations include the Haakaa Silicone Teething Toothbrush and Nelsons Teething Granules!

Dental Hygiene

You can initially clean baby’s teeth with a clean piece of gauze or muslin, or a special soft baby toothbrush. There’s no need to use toothpaste before your baby is two, when a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste with no rinsing is the best method.

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